Trail Cooking

Easy Camping Hotcakes

There are times when highly processed food is pretty awesome to have on hand. The other day the boys and I got out, and you know what? Hotcakes (pancakes) sounded so good on a cold day.

We found a dry picnic table at the state park and got to cooking.

I have found over the years the best stove for pancakes is a remote canister stove, which is a simmering stove, not a rapid boiler. I used my MSR Windpro (it is now a Windpro II). It can be dialed down to a small flame that won’t burn food.  For the frypan, I used the lid off a GSI Outdoors 2 Liter pot set. I only use non-stick pans for outdoor cooking, and very rarely. This is one of the few times I will tell you non-stick is superior.

I used the lid of the GSI Pinnacle Backpacker set, the Bugaboo frypan lid would also work.

Looking into the batter. It’s easy enough to make. Just add water and shake. Then smack the bottom of the jug for any dry powder to fall in, then shake a bunch more. Great kid chore. The batter will feel thin, then thicken up nicely.

To use, pour out of the jug to the size of pancake you want.

Warming up the oil.

Starting to sizzle, and is almost ready to flip. I had forgotten my tiny flipper, but with a bamboo knife and chopsticks (yes, I carry chopsticks always), I flipped the hotcakes easily enough.

The story behind the syrup bottle from Cracker Barrel? Alistaire had one with his breakfast in Florida, and he begged me to ask if we could buy some. Well, they didn’t sell them, but the sweetest lady slipped him a couple of bottles as a take-home gift. It’s a blend of maple syrup and cane sugar, so at least it wasn’t just “breakfast” or “pancake” syrup made of corn syrup.




Add the water called for on the jug. Seal the jug and shake well. Turn the jug over and rap the bottom till any remaining flour falls down. Shaek jug well again.

Light the stove, and heat the frypan over it. Add in a packet of oil, then pour in some of the batter.

Let cook, dialing down the stove’s flame as needed.

Flip when bubbles appear and the bottom is golden.

Repeat till out of batter.

Serve with syrup.

See the video:


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