
The contents of TrailCooking.com and blog.TrailCooking.com are provided on an “as is” basis. The recipes submitted to this site are viewed, validated, and superficially appear to function as described; however, we cannot guarantee nor test all this information to ensure it will work perfectly as described. Some topics as referenced on this site are complex and often change. Likewise, occasionally typos may escape our detection. Users are encouraged to point out errors so that we may update and correct them. Forums and blog comments are considered to be equal to conversations and information obtained there is in no way tested or validated by the editors and owners of this site. This includes damages of all kinds including loss of life limb and the pursuit of happiness. Cooking with flame, fuel and hot ingredients is inherently dangerous. Bay Street Communications, LLC., TrailCooking.com, its affiliates, administrators and users are not liable for damages arising from the use of information obtained from this site.

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