Upside Down Lemon Pie

Pudding deserts are easy to make when in the wilderness, if you have access to cold water (such as a fast moving stream in the mountains). You might not have as good of a turn-out if you try this in the desert or on a 100° 99% humidity swamp hike. Even better is having a snow bank to stash the pudding in while you make dinner!
Upside Down Lemon Pie
  • 1 box 4-serving instant lemon pudding mix
  • 2⁄3 cup dry milk
  • 1 sleeve crushed graham crackers (about 16-18 squares)

At home:

Pack the pudding mix and milk in a quart freezer bag. Pack the crackers in a small zip top bag.

In camp:

Add 2 cups very cold water to the quart bag, seal well and shake for a couple minutes (great job to keep children occupied!). Put in a cold creek, lake, or a snow bank for 20 minutes. Portion into two bags (roll the cuffs down to make a “bowl”, cups or bowls and top with graham cracker crumbs.

Serves 2 very ample or 4 small desserts.
Mini marshmallows are nice to sprinkle on top of the crackers.