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Brown Sugar & Cinnamon Quinoa

Brown Sugar & Cinnamon Quinoa
  • 1/3 cup instant quinoa flakes
  • 1½ tsp brown sugar
  • ¼ tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1 cup water

Pack everything in a pint freezer or snack size bag. Mark “Add 1 cup water” on bag.

FBC method:

Add 1 cup near boiling water to the dry ingredients. Start stirring and keep stirring for a minute. Let sit in a cozy tightly sealed for 5 minutes. It will thicken up considerably.

Mug method:

Add 1 cup boiling water to the dry ingredients. Start stirring and keep stirring for a minute. Let sit in a cozy tightly sealed for 5 minutes. It will thicken up considerably.

One pot method:

Using a Ti or aluminum mug, cook this over a low flame for 90 seconds, stirring constantly.

Find instant quinoa flakes in natural food stores. Or precook and dehydrate quinoa at home, and use it instead (you can run it through a blender once dehydrated to break it up a bit, if desired).
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