Trail Cooking

Revisiting Cheesy Rice

When our oldest son was young, his favorite trail recipe was Cheesy Rice. Kid wanted that every dinner, no matter the trip.

The benefit was I never had to argue or beg him to eat. I figured as long as he was eating, that was all that mattered. I could usually talk him into adding in a 3-ounce can of chicken for extra protein.

This is our updated version of cheesy rice. Hemp seeds add a buttery pack of nutrients, and I find most kids will eat them.

As for the cheese sauce powder, ours is from the eternally hippy company, Frontier Co-Op. You can use what you can find (often found in bulk bins) or even packets from mac and cheese boxes. The link in the recipe is for a gluten-free version. By updating the recipe, and removing the bread crumbs, the meal is gluten-free.

Cheesy Rice

At home:

Pack rice in a quart freezer or sandwich bag. Mark bag “Add 1 1/8 cups water”. Put the cheese powder and dry milk in a snack bag. Pack the hemp seeds in a small bag and tuck in with the oil/Cheetos.

One pan method:

Add the water, and dry milk/cheese sauce powder. Add in oil. Bring to a boil, stirring well. Add in rice, stir, and cover tightly. Take off stove and let sit for 15 minutes. In colder weather, or at higher altitude, insulate with a pot cozy.

Stir well, top with hemp seeds and Cheetos.

Freezer bag method:

Shake the milk bag over the rice, and add the oil. Add near boiling water. Stir well, seal tightly, and put in a cozy for 15 minutes.Stir well.

Top with toppings. Cuff bag to eat out of.

Insulated mug method:

Add the boiling water to ingredients in a large mug. Stir well, seal tightly, and let sit for 15 minutes.

Stir well, add toppings.

Serves 1.


You may want to add a pinch of salt, to taste.

*Ok, so the Cheetos are there for the smile. They are not required. They will though add in a punch of calories and give a crunch factor to the meal.

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